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- Rohde & Schwarz
- Оборудования для авиации, космоса, обороны и безопасности
- R&S®MP007 Portable Direction Finding System

R&S®MP007 Portable Direction Finding System
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Compact and extremely preciseKey Facts
- Outstanding DF accuracy in compact design due to use of the correlative interferometer DF method in the range above 173 MHz
- Wide frequency range from 20 MHz to 6 GHz (DF mode)
- Realtime position fixing for detected transmitters through networking of multiple R&S®MP007 systems
- Extended operating time thanks to high-power battery and optional solar module
- Integration into existing Rohde & Schwarz DF systems
Brief Description The R&S®MP007 direction finding system is based on the R&S®DDF007 portable direction finder upgrade kit in combination with the R&S®ADDx07 compact DF antennas. The result is a unique combination of functionality and performance in a system of this size. It can be used as a stationary or mobile DF station or as a portable manual direction finder, and can be reconfigured within minutes to meet the requirements of the current situation. The R&S®MP007 comes with a wide range of powerful software options and add-ons, making it an excellent choice for all applications that call for a compact and flexible yet powerful DF system.
Features & Benefits
- Flexible and easy to use
- Suitable for outdoor use thanks to environmental protection system
- On-the-march use with handheld PC
- Semi-mobile operation with a laptop
- Comprehensive control and system software
- Tried and tested R&S®RAMON control software
- Special web-based user interface for tablets and touchscreen operation
- Easy to extend functionality with additional system software
- Immediate position fixing in networked operation
- Networking via wireless communications
- Master/slave position fixing of fixed-frequency transmitters
- Integration of R&S®MP007 into existing Rohde & Schwarz radiolocation systems
- Integrated, fast wideband receiver
- Detailed IF spectrum display at high bandwidths
- Fast spectrum monitoring
- Demodulation of wideband signals
- Signal analysis in receive mode (option)
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